Maruti Suzuki launched the S-Presso hatchback yesterday at an event in Delhi. Based on the Maruti Suzuki Future-S Concept, which was showcased at the 2018 Auto Expo, the S-Presso carries a micro-SUVish design language. It is available in four trims and the price of the base variant is Rs 3.69 lakhs while the top-end variant is priced at Rs. 4.91 lakhs (ex-showroom, Delhi). The car chiefly rivals the Renault Kwid in the segment, which was the first car to bring the SUV inspired body design in this price range. The video below by Arun Panwar shows the newly launched Maruti Suzuki S-Presso in full details. Check out the video to see how the interiors and the exteriors of this new Maruti offering look.
With the S-Presso, Maruti has tried to target young buyers. In fact, with the demand for SUVs on a rise in India, most of the market is inclined towards the SUV design cars. The S-Presso has a pretty unconventional body design and different people may have different opinions about its exteriors. The hatchback gets a sleek chrome grille with wrap-around headlamps on the top-end variant. The bumper on this car is available only in black colour even in the top-end version which has been done in a to add a muscular look to the car. it also gets sleek fog lamps positioned in the bumper. Even the top-end version of the car gets wheel covers and there are no alloy wheels. The high-end variants get the 14-inch wheels while the lower variants come with 13-inch wheels. At the rear, the all-new S-Presso gets black bumper at the rear.
The interiors of the car also follow a youthful theme. Maruti has ditched the conventional cabin design with this one and instead gone for centre placed instrument console. The centre console has the instrument cluster laid out in a large circle in the middle of the dashboard with the SmartPlay touchscreen infotainment interface dominates the center console. It will come with Android Auto and Apple CarPlay as standard, though available only on the higher variants though. The S-Presso will be Bharat Stage 6 (BS6) emission norms compliant right from launch. The car is pretty light at around 726-767 kg of kerb weight and has a boot space of approximately 177 litre.
To let you know, the Maruti Suzuki S-Presso is the most-affordable car based on the 5th generation HEARTECT platform. Also, this the first car that is powered by the BS6 compliant 1.0-litre petrol engine that powers the likes of Maruti Suzuki Alto K10 in the Indian market. The engine generates a maximum power of 67 Bhp and peak power and 90 Nm of peak torque. It gets both manual and AMT automatic transmission. With both the transmission types, it returns a high fuel efficiency of 21.7 km/l according to the ARAI certificate.