“Big Boss” is one of the popular reality shows on television in India. The program introduced a new concept where a group of contestants is enclosed in the Big Boss house and is under constant surveillance of cameras and microphones. The winner of the Big Boss OTT edition was recently announced. The winner is Elvish Yadav, a YouTuber based in Gurugram. He won a cash prize of Rs 25 lakh. Another popular contestant in Big Boss OTT was Jiya Shankar. However, she was evicted from the show and did not reach the finals. It doesn’t seem like the young actress and model is sad about it as she recently took delivery of her brand-new BMW X1 luxury SUV.
The video has been shared by Movie Talks on their YouTube channel. In this video, Jiya Shankar and her mother can be seen at a BMW dealership, taking delivery of their brand-new luxury SUV. It is likely the first luxury SUV that Jiya Shankar is purchasing. Her excitement is quite evident on her face, and her mother is also extremely happy about the purchase. The car was unveiled to them, and after that, Jiya is seen posing for pictures with her mother. Jiya’s mother then performs religious rituals and pooja before driving it out.
They also distribute sweets among the dealership staff, photographers, and vloggers. After all this, Jiya even speaks with media houses waiting for her at the dealership. She can be heard saying in the video that it was her childhood dream to buy an expensive car, and this is now becoming a reality. She took delivery of her car before the announcement of the Big Boss OTT winner. Jiya Shankar can be seen avoiding questions related to the reality show as she wants to enjoy the moment.
The BMW X1 is the entry-level luxury SUV from the German car manufacturer. BMW offers the X1 in 3 variants: sDrive 18d M Sport, sDrive 18i M Sport, and sDrive 18i xLine. The 18i xLine is the entry-level variant of this luxury SUV. The exact variant that Jiya Shankar bought is currently not known. Judging from the video, it seems she has chosen the M Sport variant as the bumper looks slightly sportier than usual. The X1 seen here is the current version, which was launched in the market earlier this year.
Like any BMW model, the front grille has grown in size, and it also gets sleeker headlamps with L-shaped LED DRLs, flush door handles, 18-inch alloy wheels, wrap-around sleek-looking LED tail lamps, and so on. On the inside, BMW offers the new curved infotainment display on top of the dashboard. This design has been seen in almost every BMW car that was recently launched in the market. Other than this, the car offers features like multi-zone climate control, a panoramic sunroof, electrically adjustable seats, leatherette upholstery on seats, and a multi-function steering wheel. The petrol version of the BMW X1 uses a 1.5-liter three-cylinder turbocharged engine, while the diesel version uses a 2.0-liter turbocharged unit. The price for the BMW X1 starts at Rs 45.90 lakh, ex-showroom, and goes up to Rs 51.60 lakh, ex-showroom.