The super popular Bollywood actress Janhvi Kapoor recently bought one of the most expensive cars in her collection—a Lexus LM 350h Ultra Luxury. It is a Rs 2.5 crore luxury MPV that comes with sliding doors in the rear, where most of its buyers sit. Recently, Janhvi Kapoor was seen struggling to close this sliding door on her luxury MPV, and for this reason, she is now being trolled on the internet.
This video of Janhvi Kapoor struggling to close the rear door of her Lexus LM 350h Ultra Luxury has been shared on YouTube. It comes courtesy of Cars For You. In this short video, the actress was seen coming out of a dubbing studio in Mumbai. She was then seen crossing the road and coming to her luxury MPV to take a seat in the rear.
After she arrived, one of her staff opened the rear sliding gate of this MPV, and she sat in the rear. During this, the paparazzi were shooting her pictures and taking videos. Soon after this, she attempts to close the door of the Lexus LM 350h; however, it did not close, and she got confused.
Following this, the paparazzi helped her by stating that this door closes by a button and sensors. She was seen smiling with confusion, and at the same time, her driver then closed the door. Now, due to this struggle, she is being trolled on the internet.
People Are Trolling Janhvi Kapoor
Many people in the comments on the internet are trolling Janhvi for this incident. They were seen stating, why would she buy a car which she doesn’t even know how to close the door? There were also some people who were saying that she should have first taken a tour of the vehicle and learned how it operates.
Now, apart from some trollers, there were a few people who also came to the defense of the actress. They said that she is very innocent as she does not know this simple thing of closing the sliding doors. Some added that these are normal human errors, and anyone can make them. Hence, people should be more considerate.
Janhvi Kapoor’s Lexus LM 350h Ultra Luxury
As mentioned, Janhvi Kapoor paid around Rs 3.1 crore on-road price for her Lexus LM 350h, making it one of her most expensive purchases. This luxury MPV comes with a 48-inch TV, first-class airline-style recliner seats in the rear, and a 23-speaker system for a premium sound experience.
It also gets fold-out tables, heated armrests and ottomans, a wireless phone charger, and a fridge. Additionally, the Lexus LM 350h Ultra Luxury also gets rear glove boxes, a digital rearview mirror, an umbrella holder, and more.
Lexus also offers safety features like the Lexus Safety System+ 3 suite of ADAS technology. The MPV is powered by a 2.5-liter, 4-cylinder, strong hybrid petrol engine. This motor is capable of producing a combined power output of 250 PS and 239 Nm of peak torque. The engine is paired with an e-CVT gearbox, and power is sent to all four wheels.
Nushrratt Bharuccha Also Struggled with BMW iX
A while ago, the “Pyaar Ka Punchnama” actress Nushrratt Bharuccha bought herself the flagship BMW electric SUV, the iX. She was then seen being dropped off at the airport by her sister and her mother in the same SUV. After she took out her bag, she was seen closing the boot of her SUV. However, it was not closing even after she was pressing the button.