Last year, Dilip Chhabria, founder of DC Design or DC2 design was arrested by Mumbai Police in a multi-crore car financing and forgery scam. Now Dilip Chhabria’s son Bonito Chhabria was granted an anticipatory bail in a Rs 22 crore cheating case. Along with Bonito, other family members like his father Dilip Chhabria, mother Cherry Chhabria, wife Anushree and Aunt Kanchan were also booked in the case by the Economic Offences Wing (EOW). Bonito Chhabria had approached court with the application for an anticipatory bail for an arrest that he expected to happen on 23 March after his father was arrested.
The case was filed after an auto spare parts dealer Indermal Ramani approached Economic Offences Wing saying that Dilip Chhabria owed him around Rs 18 crore for a consignment of spare parts. Indermal Ramani also alleged that Chhabria had also taken some amount as a loan for an investment.
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Earlier this month, Dilip Chhabria was also granted bail in one of his cases. Magistrate court had granted the bail, after over three months of his arrest by the Mumbai Police Crime Branch. According to various reports, estimated forgery done by Chhabria is about Rs 40 crore.
Even after getting the bail, Dilip Chhabria continues to remain in jail because of another case. This case is filed by Actor and comedian Kapil Sharma. The Actor had filed a complaint against Dilip Chhabria as he failed to deliver a customised vanity van. Kapil Sharma had mentioned that he had paid over Rs 5.7 crore to the designer. Even after paying the amount, Chhabria demanded more money from Kapil Sharma and asked to pay the parking charges of vanity van as well.
It al started with an incident when Mumbai Police received a tip that a DC Avanti with a fake registration plate was parked outside the Taj Mahal Hotel in Mumbai. Police then intercepted the vehicle and found out that the vehicle was registered in Tamil Nadu and the chassis number and VIN were registered in Haryana RTO under a different registration number.
The owner failed to explain what was happening as he had no clue about it. Police then found out that the address in Haryana belongs to Dilip Chhabria’s company. The car was seized and the owner had now become a complainant in the case. Dilip Chhabria was first arrestedon December 29, 2020 in connection with the car financing and dual registration racket. He was sent to Jail on January 7 and was later arrested in Kapil Sharma’s case. Currently there are three cases against the popular car designer.
One of them is with the Economic Offences Wing or EOW. It is in this case that Bonito Chhabria has now got an pre-arrest bail. The other two cases are with Crime Intelligence Unit. Bonito and Dilip Chhabria had number of cars in their garage. They had an expensive garage that consisted of cars like Audi R8 Spyder, Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG, Mercedes-Benz S-Class, Porsche 911 Turbo S, Aston Martin Vanquish and so on. DC is known for customising the car interiors. They have converted cabins of several MPVs into luxury lounge and we have featured many of them on our website.
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