Mahindra and Mahindra finally started the production of the Z6 variant of the Scorpio-N earlier this month. Due to the massive demand for the car, Mahindra decided to deliver the Scorpio-N in a phased manner. The Z6 variant’s production started earlier this month after Mahindra launched the variant in June 2022. Now, a video claims that this is the first delivery of the Z6 variant in India.
The owner of the car has not revealed the waiting period on the car but it must be one of the first bookings. Interestingly, Mahindra has not charged extra due to the late delivery. The owner says that he booked the car when it came with a price tag of Rs 14.99 lakh. Currently, the same variant gets a price tag of Rs 15.64 lakh, ex-showroom.
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The Mahindra Scorpio-N Z6 gets only a few less features compared to the top-end Z8. The car does not get alloy wheels. The variant also does not get features like fog lamps, DRLs, projector headlamps, and automatic headlamps, rain-sensing wipers and more such features.
Mahindra did not deliver the Z6 variant since its launch last year. Due to the higher demand for the Z8 variant, Mahindra prioritised the production and delivery of the top-end variants. There were many customers who showed their anger online on the various social media platforms.
Introductory prices end
The hike in prices of Mahindra Scorpio-N was anticipated since the previous prices were only introductory. Mahindra had already communicated its plans to raise the prices of the entire Scorpio-N range, which took effect in January 2023.
Mahindra launched the Scorpio-N in Q3 of 2022, and it immediately gained popularity, with waiting periods extending up to a year. The vehicle was offered with two engine choices, a 2.0-liter four-cylinder turbocharged petrol engine and a 2.2-liter four-cylinder diesel engine. The petrol engine generates 203 PS of power and torque outputs of 370 Nm for manual variants and 380 Nm for automatic variants.
Despite both engine options being available with 6-speed manual and automatic transmission, diesel-powered variants have gained the majority of sales. The lower-spec variants of the 2.2-liter diesel engine produce 132 PS of power and 300 Nm of torque, while the higher-spec variants generate 175 PS of power, with claimed torque outputs of 370 Nm for the manual variants and 400 Nm for the automatic variants. The diesel engine also has an optional four-wheel drive system available on selected models.
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