Skoda Auto India had launched the updated BS6 version of their mid-size sedan Rapid in the market few months ago. The BS6 version of the sedan is a bit different in comparison to the older BS4 version. The changes or updates were mainly done to the engine of the car. The older petrol and diesel engine that was available with the car was discontinued and a new 1.0 litre turbocharged petrol engine was put in place. The price for BS6 compliant Skoda Rapid 1.0 TSI now starts at Rs 7.49 lakh, ex-showroom. Here we have a new TVC for the Skoda Rapid that shows what the new Rapid has on offer.
The video has been shared by Skoda India on their official youtube channel. The video from the very beginning starts giving hints that Skoda Rapid has two sides. One is for those who love to drive economically and the other side is for those who love power. Skoda has managed to create a balance between both with this new 1.0 litre, three-cylinder turbo petrol engine. The new engine generates 110 Ps and 175 Nm of torque which is 5 percent more power and 14 percent more torque than what it used to produce before.
Also read: Skoda Rapid 1.0 top-end Monte Carlo trim on video
Normally what we see is that as the power figures go up, the fuel efficiency figures in a vehicle come down but, here Skoda Rapid returns a maximum of 18.97 kilometres to litre which is 23 percent more than the BS4 version. That is why the advertisement is designed like that. The Skoda Rapid is now engineered in a way to give the driver a thrilling experience and at the same time return decent fuel efficiency.
In terms of design, Skoda has not changed much in the BS6 version. It still gets the same signature butterfly grille at the front, sharp and sporty looking lines and sporty alloy wheels (depending upon the trim). On the inside, it gets features like touchscreen infotainment screen, climate control and so on. It is currently available in Rider, Ambition, Onyx, Style and Monte Carlo variants and the price starts at Rs 7.49 lakh, ex-showroom and go up to Rs 11.79 lakh, ex-showroom.
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